13th World Congress for Laser Dentistry

26-28, April 2012

Barcelona, Spain

Meeting Abstract

Sponsors: World Federation for Laser Dentistry



Oral Presentation 40

TITLE: Laser therapy: a new approach in the treatment of periimplantitis.

AUTHORS: Pérez BP, Sáez I, Montero P, Azcárate F, Arjona-Amo M, Torres-Lagares D.                

Universidad de Sevilla. Master de cirugía bucal

SOURCE:  Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 May 1;17(Supplement1):S40.


* doi:10.4317/medoral.17643539






Introduction: One of the key factors for long-term success of oral implants is the maintenance of healthy tissues around them. Plaque accumulation induces inflammatory changes in the soft tissues surrounding oral implants and can lead to a progressive destruction of the tissues ending in a  perimplantitis An increasement in implant placement could rise the risk of implant failure due to periimplantary infections. In the past years, the use of laser has been investigated as an alternative or as a coadyudant therapy in the treatment of the periimplantitis.

Aim to study: The aim of this study is to demostrate that the relationship between the use of laser in periimplantitis treatments is effective, as it´s shown in several cases.

Description: A clinical serie of periimplantitis cases was carried out by using Er:YAG laser. The follow up was done with radiographic and clinical control. An improvement in the periimplatary tissues was obseved.

Conclussion: Most of the cases showed a good osteointegration levels and high medium-long term survival rate.

The use of Laser can improve the perimplantary tisuues besides root planing-scaling plastic curettes and clorhexidine.