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Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry

ISSN 1989-5488






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VOL 11 - NUM 1 (January 2019)

Jan 01, 2019


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- de Andrade GS, Tribst JPM, Dal Piva AMO, Bottino MA, Borges ALS, Valandro LP, Ozcan M.
A study on stress distribution to cement layer and root dentin for post and cores made of CAD/CAM materials

with different elasticity modulus in the absence of ferrule.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e1-e8.
* Article Number: 55295
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Biomaterials and Bioengineering in Dentistry
* doi:10.4317/jced.55295
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p1.pdf

- El Kattan ES, Elhiny OA, El Kattan ME, El Kattan AE, Elsheikh A.
Facial analysis using a new clinical device: The Kattan Facio-meter.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e9-e14.

* Article Number: 55394
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Orthodontics
* doi:10.4317/jced.55394
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p9.pdf

- Amengual-Lorenzo J, Montiel-Company JM, Bellot-Arcis C, Labaig-Rueda C, Sola-Ruiz MF.
Effect of two whitening agents on the color of composite dental restorations.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e15-e20.

* Article Number: 55450
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Esthetic Dentistry
* doi:10.4317/jced.55450
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p15.pdf

- Coppla FM, Freire A., Bittencourt B., Armas-Vega A., Benitez VEB, Calixto AL, Loguercio AD.
Influence of simplified, higher-concentrated sodium ascorbate application protocols on bond strength of

bleached enamel.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e21-e26.

* Article Number: 55153
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Esthetic Dentistry
* doi:10.4317/jced.55153
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p21.pdf

- Tarazona-Alvarez P, Pellicer-Chover H, Tarazona-Alvarez B, Peñarrocha-Oltra D, Peñarrocha-Diago MA.
Hemodynamic variations and anxiety during the surgical extraction of impacted lower third molars.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e27-e32.

* Article Number: 55294
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Oral Surgery
* doi:10.4317/jced.55294
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p27.pdf

- El Mekawy N, Yosry-Elhawary M.
Clinical evaluation of inter-implant distance influence on the wear characteristics of low-profile stud attachments

used in implant-retained overdentures.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e33-e41.

* Article Number: 55433
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Prosthetic Dentistry
* doi:10.4317/jced.55433
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p33.pdf

-Armas-Vega AC, González-Martínez FD, Rivera-Martínez MS, Mayorga -Solórzano MF, Banderas-Benítez VE,

Guevara-Cabrera OF.
Factors associated with dental fluorosis in three zones of Ecuador.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e42-e48.

* Article Number: 55124
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Community and Preventive Dentistry
* doi:10.4317/jced.55124
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p42.pdf

- Singh RR, Verma P, Pradhan D, Bhardwaj R, Kour S.
Association between maxillary and mandibular apical base lengths and severity of dental crowding or spacing

in Class II malocclusion subjects: An in-vitro study.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e49-e54.
* Article Number: 55422
* Publication Types: research-article
* Article section: Orthodontics
* doi:10.4317/jced.55422
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p49.pdf

- Di Nardo D, Mazzucchi G, Lollobrigida M, Passariello C, Guarnieri R, Galli M, De Biase A, Testarelli L.
Immediate or delayed retrieval of the displaced third molar: A review.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e55-e61.

* Article Number: 55379
* Publication Types: review-article
* Article section: Oral Surgery
* doi:10.4317/jced.55379
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p55.pdf

- Mello FW, Melo G, Modolo F, Rivero ERC.
Actinic cheilitis and lip squamous cell carcinoma: Literature review and new data from Brazil.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e62-e69.
* Article Number: 55133
* Publication Types: review-article
* Article section: Oral Medicine and Pathology
* doi:10.4317/jced.55133
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p62.pdf

- Neagu D, Escuder-de la Torre O, Vazquez-Mahia I, Carral-Roura N, Rubin-Roger G, Penedo-Vazquez Á,

Luaces-Rey R, Cedrun-Cembranos JL.
Surgical management of ameloblastoma. Review of literature.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e70-e75.

* Article Number: 55452
* Publication Types: review-article
* Article section: Oral Surgery
* doi:10.4317/jced.55452
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p70.pdf

- Domingo-Clerigues M, Montiel-Company JM, Almerich-Silla JM, Garcia-Sanz V, Paredes-Gallardo V, Bellot-Arcis C.
Changes in the alveolar bone thickness of maxillary incisors after orthodontic treatment involving

extractions - A systematic review and meta-analysis.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e76-e84.

* Article Number: 55434
* Publication Types: review-article
* Article section: Esthetic Dentistry
* doi:10.4317/jced.55434
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p76.pdf

- Truong-Nhu-Ngoc V, Vu-Thai-Lien N, Minh-Hang L, Thanh-Tung D, Thi-Nga V, Pham-The H, Chu DT.
Radicular cyst in a primary molar following pulp therapy with gutta percha: A case report and literature review.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e85-e90.
* Article Number: 55309
* Publication Types: case-report
* Article section: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics
* doi:10.4317/jced.55309
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p85.pdf

- Toledano-Serrabona J, Parraga-Manzol G, Sanchez-Garces MÁ, Gay-Escoda C.
Osteoradionecrosis of the jaws triggered by dental implants placement: A case report.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e91-e96.

* Article Number: 55326
* Publication Types: case-report
* Article section: Oral Surgery
* doi:10.4317/jced.55326
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p91.pdf

- Lombardo L, Calabro M, Squarci V, Colonna A, Siciliani G.
Efficacy of swm appliance in the expression of first-, second-
and third-order information in Class I and Class II.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 January 1;11(1):e97-e102.

* Article Number: 55399
* Publication Types: case-report
* Article section: Orthodontics
* doi:10.4317/jced.55399
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p97.pdf

- Crespo-Gallardo I, Hay-Levytska O, Martin-Gonzalez J, Jimenez-Sanchez MC,

Sanchez-Dominguez B, Cabanillas-Balsera D, Segura-Egea JJ.

Criteria and treatment decisions in the management of
deep caries lesions: Is there endodontic overtreatment?

* Article Number: 532742
* Publication Types: Research
* Article section: Operative Dentistry and Endodontics
* doi:10.4317/jced.532742
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p103.pdf

- Kioleoglou I, Pissiotis A, Michalakis K. Accuracy of fit of implant-supported bars fabricated
on definitive casts made by different dental stones

* Article Number: 532743
* Publication Types: Research
* Article section: Prosthetic Dentistry
* doi:10.4317/jced.532743
* References with Crossref - DOI links
* PDF:    http://www.medicinaoral.com/odo/volumenes/v11i1/jcedv11i1p104.pdf







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